1. Take 52 hikes.
55/52 hikes.
2. Hike for 250 miles.
218.25/250 miles. Close, but no cigar. I hike fairly regularly with one person, but sometimes she is not available. I need to find a way to get out when she is not available.
3. Hike at least 25 miles of the Tunxis Trail
31.37/25 miles. This goal has been completed. I feel this was a big accomplishment. 31 miles is pretty small potatoes, but I think it is pretty cool that I hiked from the Massachusetts border to Burlington (in multiple sections).
4. Visit Bash Bish Falls (Massachusetts)
Kept putting this one off because of the drought.
5. Hike Mount Monadnock (New Hampshire)
Got scared off of this one by some other people. I may add it to my 2017 list, but I need to do some other tougher (for me) hikes before I do this one.
6. Visit a "new-to-me" state park or forest in Massachusetts (Bash Bish does not count).
Hiked the D.A.R. State Forest in Goshen, MA on April 23.
7. Hike on the Appalachian Trail
Completed on July 20. Hike #38 - Lion's Head in Salisbury, CT.