Monday, July 4, 2016

Update: 2016 Hiking Goals

An update at the end of the second quarter.

1.  Take 52 hikes.  
36/52 hikes.  I am more than half-way to my goal, so I am ahead of schedule.

2.  Hike for 250 miles.
137.49/250 miles.  To be on target, I should have completed 125 miles in the first 6 months.  I am ahead of schedule, but this is the goal that keeps me motivated.  I'm afraid I will slack off in the warmer weather.

3.  Hike at least 25 miles of the Tunxis Trail
31.37/25 miles.  This goal has been completed.  There are more miles that can be done on this trail, but unless they form a loop where my hiking partner and I can just take one car, we probably won't do them.  They are just too far away to justify two cars.

4.  Visit Bash Bish Falls (Massachusetts)

5.  Hike Mount Monadnock (New Hampshire)

6.  Visit a "new-to-me" state park or forest in Massachusetts (Bash Bish does not count).
Hiked the D.A.R. State Forest in Goshen, MA on April 23.

7.  Hike on the Appalachian Trail

I had hoped to have Bash Bish done by now, but it just hasn't worked out, probably because I have it in my head to combine it with nearby Alander Mountain and that requires more planning.  I know where I want to go on the Appalachian Trail, I just want someone to go with me since it is farther away.  With the Tunxis out of the way, I should be able to focus on getting one of these other goals done in the next quarter.

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