Date Hiked: Sunday, September 8, 2013
Estimated distance round-trip:
Weather: windy, 78°F
McLean Game Refuge
Highlights of the trip: view
My Route:
I entered the McLean Game Refuge from the entrance on Canton Road and went down past Spring Pond. From there, I went up and around the field and down to Kettle Pond. When I reached the woods road, I turned left and took the trail to the top of the eastern Barndoor Hill. I returned the same way.
A little family of mushrooms. I welcome identification. |
The water level in Kettle Pond is pretty low and I could walk out onto an area often underwater. Here I spotted a wood frog and a large black spider guarding a tunnel in the grass.
Wood frog. These guys come out in the spring when there is still ice on the pond. |
Big black spider with what looks like a lair. |
It was pretty breezy when I got to the top of the hill. I was hoping to see some hawks, but didn't have any luck. I had been up here a couple of days previously and saw some turkey vultures soaring. Later, as I parted some branches to see about moving to another bit of ledge, I found a turkey vulture looking back at me, probably 10 or 15 feet away. Of course, I didn't have my camera with me that day!
Looking north from the eastern Barndoor Hill. |
Looking over at the western Barndoor Hill. |
Field full of goldenrod. |
Water lily at Spring Pond. |
Pickerel frog. |
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